College Coed Seeks Business Traveler with Spare Pillow Mints
you are now, ready to attack the posts of backpage. You prepare to
recognize the unmistakable tone of 'the backpage escort ad.' No. you
don't recognize it at all. But now that you think about it, who ever
said 'escort ads' have an unmistakable tone? On the contrary, escorts
are entities that vary greatly from one to the next. And in these very
differences you recognize the poster escort. Here, however, this
post seems to have little connection with the rest. Are you a
disappointed? Let's see. Perhaps at first you feel a bit lost, as when a
person appears who, from the name, you identified with a certain type
of face, and you try to make the features you are seeing tally with
those you had in your mind... But then you go on and you realize that
this escort is [ehem] able nevertheless, independently of what you
expected of escorts, and it's this itself...that arouses your
curiosity; in fact, on sober reflection, you prefer it this way,
confronting something and not quite knowing what it is yet...
The stranger I want to meet is called "Business Traveler" and that
is the only thing you know about him, but this alone is reason enough
for you to invest a part of yourself in the stranger. Just as I, since I
have no intention of telling about myself, decided to call the
character "business traveler" in order to conceal him, not having to
name him or describe him, because any other name or attribute would
define my desire more sharply than this archetype. Nothing could be
easier for you than to identify yourself with him; from the beginning,
his subjectivity is that of a man who is chilly [it's Febuary in the North-East, after
all], listless, well educated, and whose pockets are filled with
superfluous pillow mints. From the beginning, his subjectivity is that
of a bemused, curious and (possibly) desiring heterosexual
businessman...precisely the stranger I desire to see.
the post refers you to something that is about to happen...that could
happen...and it is this something else that makes it risky for you, the
reader, to identify with "business traveler" and for it's author: me.
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